Sunbet Poker Tour Time Square
Competition 2024

The Sunbet Poker Tour Competition 2024 (referred to from here on as SBPT) runs until 26 July2024.

The promotion consists of a two-part prize: 

1. A seat at the main event valued at R15 000;
2. Two-night stay for two adults in a One Standard Foundation room at Time Square Maslow Hotel, valued at R5 000 (arrival on 9thAugust and departure on 11th August).

Please review the Terms and Conditions of this promotion carefully before participating.


To be eligible to win the SBPT Time Square Competition 2024 you need to: 

- Be 18 years or older. 
- Be both a Sun International MVG Member and signed up with, as well as possess an active account. The MVG account must be linked with the Sunbet account.
- Be able to play Texas hold ’em Poker.
- Be able to travel to and from Time Square (travel costs are not included).
- Be willing to allow promotional content to be created of yourself, in which you may be featured, during your attendance at the SBPT, for later use at Sunbet’s discretion.  

1.    The Prize:

The promotional prize includes a seat at the main event valued at R15 000, and two-night stay in a OneStandard Foundation at Time Square Maslow Hotel valued at R5 000 (arrival on 9thAugust and departure on 11th August) for two (2) adults (sharing).

1.1 This prize is does not include flights or transfers.
1.2 The prize includes bed and breakfast for two adults.
1.3 Any extras incurred by you must be settled on departure from the hotel.
1.4 The accommodation is valid from Friday, 9th  August and departure to Sunday, 11th August).
1.5 The prize is not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or any other consideration.


2.    The SBPT Competition Entry Mechanic, Draw and Winner: 

The winner will be selected from a leaderboard where participants will need to meet all the following requirements:

2.1 Enter the competition by visiting this link: [] and signing up.
2.2 Follow, like and share both the SBPT Instagram page and the Facebook page. Share and invite friends to accumulate points on the leaderboard.
2.4 The person with the most points on the leaderboard at the end of the campaign period wins.
2.5 If two or more individuals on the leaderboard have a tie in points, those participants will then be entered into a draw where only one winner will be selected.
2.6 If the initial winner is not eligible or available, the second runner-up will be selected as the winner. This process will continue until a winner is confirmed.
2.7 Only a single winner will be drawn.
2.8 Should a suitable candidate not be drawn, a follow-up draw will take place until a winner is drawn.
2.9 Winners will be contacted via the contact details provided on the SBPT entry form.
2.10 The winner will be announced on 2 August 2024

3.     General Terms and Conditions: 

- Must be over the age of 18. 

-  Must have opted in for marketing communications. 

- This promotional competition is closed to any persons who are directors, members, partners, employees, agents, or consultants of or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by Sun International, Sunbet, marketing service providers, spouses, life partners, business partners, or immediate family members. In addition, all persons who are precluded from participating in gambling activities as determined in the Sun International Employees, Suppliers, Service Providers, and Concessionaires Gambling Policy may not participate in this promotional competition. 
- Entries cannot be purchased for cash, points, or through any other form of consideration.
- Where applicable, the images of the prize(s) used in advertisements or displays may not necessarily be the actual prize(s),model(s), or specification(s) issued as prizes. The relevant information may be sought from Sunbet. 
- Prizes are not transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash unless otherwise advertised. 
- All decisions are final and binding; no correspondence or appeals will be entertained. 
- Any person transgressing the rules of this promotional competition will be disqualified. 
- Every participant in the promotional competition shall be deemed to have acknowledged and accepted the rules by their participation. This version of the rules is the official set of rules and supersedes any other document(s) pertaining to be rules for this promotional competition. 
- If management makes any exception or deviation from these rules, it does not mean that Sunbet waives any of its rights.  
- The above clauses are severable from each other. Should any clause or part thereof be found not to be enforceable bylaw, such clause or part thereof will be severed, and the remaining clauses shall remain in force to the full extent that is permissible by law. 
- Management reserves the right to terminate this promotional competition without prior notice. 
-  Sunbet reserves the right to publish the names of the participants and winners on any of their communication platforms. 
- Sunbet is not liable for any claims, damages ,losses, or injuries as a result of entering, winning, or attending the SBPT. 
-  E & OE (Errors and Omissions excluded)